States of Matter: Traditional to Exotic

Abstract: Condensed Matter Physics is a thriving area of research today with an ever rapid discovery of new materials with potential for applications. In this talk, we shall trace the evolution of the developments in this field, emphasizing on the new states of matter, not just new materials, that arise due to richness of interactions and packing of atoms. Starting with the traditional classification of matter in terms of solid, liquid and gas, we shall lead to some of the current preoccupations of the condensed matter community, that include novel superconductors and topological insulators. Some illustrative examples, drawn from our research at the Materials Science Group, IGCAR will be presented.

About the speaker:Prof. C.S. Sundar, currently a J.C. Bose National Fellow and a senior Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute with the Materials Science Group, IGCAR, Kalpakkam. His research contributions have been in the area of Defects and Phase Transitions in Novel Materials, notably superconducting materials, using a variety of experimental techniques, in particular positron annihilation spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Prof. Sundar is a Fellow, of all the three Science Academies of India and a Fellow of Asia Pacific Academy of Materials. He is a recipient of the MRSI-medal (1994), the MRSIICSC superconductivity and materials research prize (2007), and Tamil Nadu Science & Technology Award- Physical sciences (2008). He was on the editorial board of PRAMANA for over a decade (1998-2009), Associate Editor, Bulletin of Materials Science, and is on the Editorial Board of Solid State Communications