Prof M.P.Rajan
Professor (Maths)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778116
Selected Publications
  • M.P. Rajan, A class of regularization methods and an adaptive discretization scheme for solving ill-posed problems (To appear in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics)

  • M.P. Rajan, Volatility Estimation in Indian Stock market using Heteroscedastic Models, Indian Journal of Finance ,5(6), 26-32, 2011

  • M.P. Rajan, A parameter choice strategy for solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, International Journal of Computer Mathematics , 87(11), 2612-2622, 2010

  • M.P. Rajan, On Laverentives regularization for solving Fredholm integral equations of first kind, International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications, 1(2), 177-187, 2009

  • M.P. Rajan, A posteriori parameter choice strategy and an efficient discretization scheme for solving ill-posed problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 204,891-904, 2008

  • M.P. Rajan, An efficient discretization scheme for solving ill-posed problems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 313(2), 654-677, 2006.

  • M.P. Rajan, A Modified Landweberiterative method for solving parameter identification problems, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Vol12(4), 1-15,2004.

  • M.P. Rajan, A Modified Convergence Analysis for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of First Kind, Journal of Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 49, 511-516,2004.

  • M.P. Rajan, Convergence Analysisof a Regularized Approximation For Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of The First Kind , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 279, 522-530, 2003.