Listing publications 826 - 845 of 845

publication year

Kumar, J.; Thomas, R.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G., Au nanorod quartets and Raman signal enhancement: towards the design of plasmonic platforms. Nanoscale 2014, 6 (18), 10454-10459.


Li, W.; Thirumurugan, A.; Barton, P. T.; Lin, Z. S.; Henke, S.; Yeung, H. H. M.; Wharmby, M. T.; Bithell, E. G.; Howard, C. J.; Cheetham, A. K., Mechanical Tunability via Hydrogen Bonding in Metal-Organic Frameworks with the Perovskite Architecture. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136 (22), 7801-7804.


Mohanrao, R.; Asokan, A.; Sureshan, K. M., Bio-inspired synthesis of rare and unnatural carbohydrates and cyclitols through strain driven epimerization. Chemical Communications 2014, 50 (51), 6707-6710.


Mondal, S.; Sureshan, K. M., Total syntheses and structural validation of lincitol A, lincitol B, uvacalol I, uvacalol J, and uvacalol K. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2014, 12 (37), 7279-7289.


Albert, S. K.; Thelu, H. V. P.; Golla, M.; Krishnan, N.; Chaudhary, S.; Varghese, R., Self-Assembly of DNA-Oligo(p-phenylene-ethynylene) Hybrid Amphiphiles into Surface-Engineered Vesicles with Enhanced Emission. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2014, 53 (32), 8352-8357.


Asha, K. S.; Bhattacharyya, K.; Mandal, S., Discriminative detection of nitro aromatic explosives by a luminescent metal-organic framework. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2014, 2 (47), 10073-10081.


Balasubramani, S. G.; Singh, D.; Swathi, R. S., Noble gas encapsulation into carbon nanotubes: Predictions from analytical model and DFT studies. Journal of Chemical Physics 2014, 141 (18).


Cheriya, R. T.; Mallia, A. R.; Hariharan, M., Light harvesting vesicular donor-acceptor scaffold limits the rate of charge recombination in the presence of an electron donor. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7 (5), 1661-1669.


Ghosh, R.; Asha, K. S.; Pratik, S. M.; Datta, A.; Nath, R.; Mandal, S., Synthesis, structure, photocatalytic and magnetic properties of an oxo-bridged copper dimer. Rsc Advances 2014, 4 (41), 21195-21200.


Gujarati, T. P.; Ambika, G., Virus antibody dynamics in primary and secondary dengue infections. Journal of Mathematical Biology 2014, 69 (6-7), 1773-1800.


Krishnan, A.; Joshi, K. A.; Abraham, A.; Ayyub, S.; Lahiry, M.; Mukherjee, R.; Javadekar, S. M.; Narayan, V.; Borges, R. M., Finding hidden females in a crowd: Mate recognition in fig wasps. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 2014, 57, 80-87.


Pulianmackal, A. J.; Kareem, A. V. K.; Durgaprasad, K.; Trivedi, Z. B.; Prasad, K., Competence and regulatory interactions during regeneration in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 2014, 5.


Ravi, M.; Marimuthu, M. P. A.; Tan, E. H.; Maheshwari, S.; Henry, I. M.; Marin-Rodriguez, B.; Urtecho, G.; Tan, J.; Thornhill, K.; Zhu, F.; Panoli, A.; Sundaresan, V.; Britt, A. B.; Comai, L.; Chan, S. W. L., A haploid genetics toolbox for Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 2014, 5.


Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gireesh, K. K.; Manna, T. K., TACC3 Protein Regulates Microtubule Nucleation by Affecting gamma-Tubulin Ring Complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2014, 289 (46), 31719-31735.


Gireesh, K. K.; Sreeja, J. S.; Chakraborti, S.; Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gupta, H.; Manna, T., Microtubule plus TIP Protein EB1 Binds to GTP and Undergoes Dissociation from Dimer to Monomer on Binding GTP. Biochemistry 2014, 53 (34), 5551-5557.


Gireesh, K. K.; Sreeja, J. S.; Chakraborti, S.; Singh, P.; Thomas, G. E.; Gupta, H.; Manna, T., Microtubule plus TIP protein EB1 binds to GTP and undergoes dissociation from dimer to monomers upon binding with GTP. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2014, 25.


Krishna, S.; Somanathan, H., Secondary removal of Myristica fatua (Myristicaceae) seeds by crabs in Myristica swamp forests in India. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2014, 30, 259-263.


B. V. Rajarama Bhat, J. Martin Lindsay, Mithun Mukherjee. Additive units of product systems, To appear in: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.


Guram D., X. Garca-Martinez and E. Khmaladze A non-abelian exterior product and homology of Leibniz algebras, To appear in Rev. Mat. Complete. 


Guram D, N. Inassaridze, M. Ladra and A. M. Vieites) Exact sequences in homology of multiplicative Lie rings and a new version of Stallings' theorem, To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.