Materials Chemistry - Metal organic frameworks, metal oxide clusters and nano composites for molecular separation, optical and conducting properties.
Ultrafast Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy, Quantum Coherences, Molecular Structure and Dynamics
Medicinal Chemistry , Organic synthesis, Chemical biology, Computational drug discovery.
Molecular electronics, Bio-electronics, Quantum charge transport, Nano device fabrication & Low temperature experiments.
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Chemical Physics and Biological Physics: Statistical mechanics, Nonlinear dynamics
Biomaterials, Materials Chemistry, 2D Materials, Biodegradation of Nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology, Drug Delivery, Antimicrobial Coatings, Biomimetics
Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry,Bond Activation and Functionalization of Small Molecules (CO2, N2), Reversible Hydrogen Storage Using Metal Hydrides,Hydrogenation Reactions in Catalysis
Structurally Constrained Compounds, Lewis Superacids, Electromerism, Low-Valent Main Group Chemistry
Supramolecular Chemistry; Molecular Switches and Machines; Foldamer Chemistry
Metabolic chemistry, Organic synthesis, Chemical biology and Mass spectrometry
Fuel cell electro-catalysis, platinum-free catalysts for the cathodic reduction of oxygen in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Developing new methods, Activation and functionalization of relatively unreactive C–H bonds, Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthesis of Natural Products
Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis: Transition Metal-Catalysis, Photocatalysis, Metal-Free Coupling Reactions
Macrocyclic systems, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Planar Aromatic and Antiaromatic systems, Porphyrin based Dye-Sensitized Solar cells (DSSC)
Asymmetric Total Synthesis Natural Product Molecules, Asymmetric Catalysis, and Medicinal Chemistry.
Asymmetric Catalysis and Cross-Coupling Reactions
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Catalysis, Bioinorganic Chemistry
Radical Chemistry in Organic Synthesis
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Main Group Chemistry
Photochemistry & photophysics, Hybrid nanomaterials, Light-matter interactions at nanoscale, Raman Spectroscopy using nanomaterials, Organized surfaces
Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Methodology Development, Crystal Engineering, Soft Materials
Physical Organic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry with DNA, and Functional DNA nanotechnology
Biomass to liquid transportation fuel, Alkane metathesis, Cluster-Assembled Materials
NMR spectroscopy, Structure biology, Neurodegenerative Diseases
(Physical Organic Chemistry)
Organic Photochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Materials and
Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Functional Organic Materials, Supramolecular Chemistry
Photoresponsive Materials, Self-Assembly, Near Infrared Dyes
Advanced Nanomaterials
Theoretical Chemistry
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Quantum dots, Fluorescence spectrosocpy
Organic Synthesis, Organic Mol-electronics
Colloidal synthesis (semiconductor, intermetallics), bulk single-crystal materials, Surface studies under photocatalytic and electrocatalytic conditions, Coupled/paired electrolysis
Chiral Inorganic and Bio materials, Chiral Assemblies, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, nanomaterials
Applied Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
computational chemistry of molecules, materials and aggregates