Faculty Members

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778334
Research Area

Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Networks, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Stability Analysis, Synchronization, Weather Phenomenon Predictions 

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778326
Research Area

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, Quantum Communication

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778351
Research Area

Visualising ultrafast molecular dynamics, Generating attosecond pulse train, Interatomic Coulombic decay, and time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging.

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778297
Research Area

Effective Field Theory, Low-energy physics and Flavour Physics, Extra-dimensions, Quantum fields in curved space-time

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778325
Research Area

Computational Solar Physics, Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory and simulations, wave propagation, identification and mode conversion, Solar atmospheric heating, and energetic phenomena

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778304
Research Area

High energy astrophysics, Gamma ray bursts, Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778338
Research Area

Computational Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum Materials, Quantum Magnetism and Spintronics

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778131
Research Area

Non-equilibrium Physics, Statistical and Quantum Field-theories

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778367
Research Area

Theoretical condensed matter physics: Topological phases, Quantum Dynamics, Mesoscopics, relations to other fields like black holes physics.

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778245
Research Area

Particle physics phenomenology, Beyond the Standard Model, Collider physics, Matter under extreme conditions

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - 2778252
Research Area

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials, Spintronics, and Oxide memristors for Non-volatile memory (NVM)

Assistant Professor Grade I
  +91 (0)471 - +91-471-2778056
Research Area

Nanostructures and thin films, Surfaces and Interfaces, Defect induced properties of materials, Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Thermoelectric materials, Semiconducting Metal Oxides and graphene based Gas Sensors

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778152
Research Area

Topological insulators, Fractional quantum Hall state, Strongly correlated electron systems.

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778071
Research Area

Device Physics and Engineering

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778130
Research Area

Black hole entropy in supergravity and string theory, Supergravity, AdS-CFT correspondence, Higher-Spin holography

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778132
Research Area

Nonlinear Dynamics: Non-integrable systems, Chaotic Dynamics Bifurcation and Stability Analysis Synchronization Network Theory Complex Systems Time-delay Systems Delay-induced Phenomena Coupled Map Lattices Spatio-temporal Chaos Recurrence Analysis

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778141
Research Area

Quantum Phase transitions in low dimensional and low spin organic insulators as well as Heavy Fermions , Phase diagram of weakly pinned Type-II superconductors, Multiferroics,

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778084
Research Area

Low temperature electron transport on nanoscale devices: Quantum dots, Quantum point contacts, Nanowires & Superconducting tunnel junction systems and Topological insulators: Spin injection and diffusion in Topological insulator devices.

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778139
Research Area

Photoacoustic imaging (microscopy and tomography), speckle contrast imaging, spectroscopy for Biomedical applications

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778138
Research Area

Ultrafast and Terahertz spectroscopy

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778127
Research Area

Nanophononics, Stimulated Brillouin/Raman scattering, Opto-mechanical interactions, Slow-light, Nonlinear optical phenomenon and devices, Soliton self-frequency shift

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778103
Research Area

Wide bandgap materials and related devices, high-temperature electronics, Power and energy conversion devices, High-throughput techniques.

Associate Professor
  +91 (0)471 - 2778129
Research Area

Observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, the afterglow of the Big Bang, and the analysis of cosmological and astrophysical data sets.

  +91 (0)471 - 2778080
Research Area

Quantum Information theory and open quantum systems

  +91 (0)471 - 2778140
Research Area

Light Matter Interactions, Optoelectronics of 2D systems and Inhomogeneous Media, Scanning probe microscopy

  +91 (0)471 - 2778122
Research Area

Multifunctional nanostructured materials- Graphene, 2-dimensional layered nanostructures; Energy storage - Lithium ion batteries, Supercapacitors; Gas storage

  +91 (0)471 - 2778081
Research Area

Organic and hybrid optoelectronics,Spintronics, Metamaterials, Thermoelectrics, Application of Physics to biology and device applications, Solar Cell

  +91 (0)471 - 2778137
Research Area

Magnetism and Superconductivity

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus Professor
Research Area

Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems Complexity and connectivity measures from data Dynamics and transitions on complex networks Modelling dynamics of biological systems.

Former Faculty Members

Former Director
  Emeritus Professor, MKU, Madurai
Research Area

Optical spectroscopy, nanomaterials, semiconductor hetereostructures.