Exploiting the defect induced magneto-transport properties of wide bandgap metal oxide semiconductor nanostructures

Abstract : Defects are inherent part of real crystals. Most of the properties utilized in the device applications of metal oxide materials are usually bestowed by the structural defects and lattice imperfections. The thermodynamic stability of the crystal demands the formation of structural defects at high temperatures. The type of defects in metal oxide systems are predominantly point defects i. e. defect associated to one lattice point, such as cation or oxygen ion vacancy. This introduction of defects in the materials results in improved properties like visible photocatalytic activity by enhanced utilization of visible solar spectrum, higher photoluminescence in visible region, d0 ferromagnetism and improved gas sensing properties. Defects can be introduced in metal oxide crystals by doping or by varying the oxygen stoichiometry, which leads to the modification in the electronic band structure of the material.

The scope of this seminar includes the defects and doping related properties of wide bandgap metal oxide semiconductors nanostructures, their structural and spectroscopic identifications and further utilization to cater various technological requirements. Nonetheless, the objective of the study not only projects their technological applications but also provides improved fundamental understanding regarding the physics of defect induced properties in semiconducting metal oxides.