Karyashala Online workshop in structural methods

The School of Chemistry, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, under the accelerated Vigyan scheme from SERB is conducting Karyashala, a high-end workshop training for scientific instruments such as Electron microscopes, NMR spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers and different mass instruments (https://workshop.iisertvm.ac.in/karyashala/). The Brochure with the schedule is attached. The intensive workshop will give the participants a valuable opportunity to gain a firm theoretical basis and obtain practical experience in the aforementioned high-end techniques, data processing, spectral analysis and interpretation. Due to Covid-19 all the sessions will be online guided by experienced members drawn from the IISER Thiruvananthapuram chemistry faculty. The details are provided in the attached file.

This workshop is mainly for Chemistry PG (MSc.) students. The students have to register using the link " https://workshop.iisertvm.ac.in/karyashala/registration.php " and provide a recommendation letter from the head of the department.

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