Listing Events 826 - 850 of 875

title Event Date
Supermassive black holes Seminars 19-10-2010
DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species and its relevance for carcinogenesis Seminars 14-10-2010
A Confluence of Geometry, Linear Algebra and Analysis Seminars 08-10-2010
Bioanalysis Using Porphyrin Derivatives Seminars 08-10-2010
Flavours of Synchrony in the Natural World Seminars 07-10-2010
Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Nucleation Mechanism and Properties Seminars 28-09-2010
Optical antenna structures for surface enhanced scattering Seminars 06-09-2010
Lattice-gas model for active vesicle transport by molecular motors with opposite polarities Seminars 02-09-2010
Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field Seminars 26-08-2010
Dissecting Malaria Parasite Egress From Infected Red Blood Cells Using Chemical Biology and Bio-Mechanics Seminars 19-08-2010
Current Trends in Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells: From Laboratory Cells to Industrial Modules Seminars 18-08-2010
Generation of laser pulses in the mid-infrared and THz spectral regions: principles and applications Seminars 13-08-2010
Environmentally Friendly Organic Synthesis Using Bismuth Compounds. Seminars 11-08-2010
Origin of the VOC in polymer-fullerene solar cells: A combined effect of charge transfer states and bimolecular radiative recombination Seminars 11-08-2010
Glycomics of Cells of the Immune System Seminars 04-08-2010
Cytoplasmic tail of Polycystin-1: Triggering a mechanosensory pathway in Polycystic Kidney Disease Seminars 02-08-2010
Modelling of Metal Hydrides and Complex Hydrides Seminars 16-07-2010
Ideas in Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Seminars 02-07-2010
A Lagrangian for membranes Seminars 30-06-2010
What can we learn from eggshells? Seminars 19-06-2010
Computational Modeling of Materials Seminars 11-05-2010
Electrochemistry of Materials Seminars 05-05-2010
How molecular functional materials respond to the environment: Solvation to cooperativity Seminars 04-05-2010
Determinants Seminars 29-04-2010
Primordial non-Gaussianity in the CMB Seminars 23-04-2010