Listing Events 851 - 875 of 875

title Event Date
Shock Propagation in a Granular Gas Seminars 22-04-2010
Basic research at the frontier of science Seminars 20-04-2010
Being and Becoming : Imaginary-time and Real-time Dynamics of Quantum Systems Seminars 17-04-2010
World of Silicones Seminars 08-04-2010
Synthesis and Structure - Property relationships in Intermetallic compounds Seminars 03-04-2010
Mitochondrial Dynamics Seminars 24-03-2010
Raising the BAR on T cell trafficking and T cell driven immune responses. Seminars 09-03-2010
Influence of N-alkyl side chain chirality on the secondary structure and development of poly-N-alkylated peptides as potential antimicrobial agents. Seminars 04-03-2010
ACE of hearts and chaperonin non-native protein complexes Seminars 01-02-2010
Tera(hertz)-Talk with Artificial and Real Atoms Seminars 28-01-2010
Phase transitions and Order Parameters Seminars 27-01-2010
Audible Universe Seminars 27-01-2010
Introduction to Bionanomaterials Seminars 25-01-2010
Controlling Photochemical Reactions through Confinement Seminars 15-01-2010
Materials for Electrochemical Energy Generation and Storage Seminars 21-12-2009
Universal d wave gap shape in the entire doping range of the cuprate High Temperature Superconductors Seminars 17-12-2009
Gravitational-wave astronomy: Opening a new window onto the Universe Seminars 10-12-2009
Pulsars and Gravitational waves Seminars 05-11-2009
Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium: From the Early Universe to the Present Seminars 24-08-2009
Self-Assembly: Chemistry to Nanofabrication Seminars 08-08-2009
An Overview to bees Seminars 22-04-2009
Electron-Transfer in Molecular Functional Materials. Seminars 20-04-2009
Solar Energy-Beyond the Hype Seminars 29-12-2008
Holographic Data Storage & Holographic Photonic Structures Seminars 10-10-2008