Rajeev N. Kini* and Angelo Mascarenhas, "Effect of Bismuth alloying on the transport properties of the dilute bismide alloy, GaAs1-xBix", in Bismuth-Containing compounds, Springer Series in Materials Science, Volume 186, Eds. Handong Li, Zhiming M Wang, pp 181-200 (2013)
Peer Reviewed:
Soumitra Hazra, Rabindranath Bag, Surjeet Singh, Rajeev N. Kini*, "Understanding the nature of charge density wave in Sr14Cu24O41 using terahertz and femtosecond spectroscopy " (Under review, May 2019)
S. Sandeep and R N Kini*, "Phoniton in a GaAs-AlAs acoustic phonon cavity with a tunable two-level system", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 075010 (2019)
Prahalad Kanti Barman, Prasad V. Sarma, M. M. Shaijumon and R N Kini* "High degree of circular polarization in WS2 spiral nanostructures induced by broken symmetry", Sci. Rep 9, 2784 (2019)
Rabindranath Bag, Soumitra Hazra, Rajeev N. Kini, Surjeet Singh*, "Excess specific heat from the gapped sliding phonon modes in the incommensurate composite crystal Sr14Cu24O41", Phys. Rev. B 99, 054305 (2019)arXiv:1808.00947
Sathyan Sandeep, Sarah L Heywood, Richard Campion, Anthony J Kent, Rajeev N. Kini*, "Resonance of Terahertz phonons in an Acoustic nanocavity", Phys. Rev. B 98, 235303 (2018)
C P Vaisakh, Mithun Kumar Bhowal, Sunanda Dhar and Rajeev N. Kini*, "Enhanced terahertz emission from Bi incorporated GaSb", J. Phys D, 51 065112 (2018)
C P Vaisakh, C T Foxon, S V Novikov and R N Kini*, "Terahertz conductivity of the highly mismatched amorphous alloy, GaNBi", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32 125009 (2017)
Prasad V. Sarma, Prasanna Pattil, Prahalad Kanti Barman, Rajeev N. Kini and Manikoth M. Shaijumon*, "Controllable Growth of Few-layer Spiral WS2 " RSC Advances 6, 376 (2016)
R S Joshya*, V Rajaji, Chandrabhas Narayana, A Mascarenhas, R N Kini* "Anharmonicity in light scattering by optical phonons in GaAs1-xBix" J. Appl. Phys 119, 205706 (2016);
C. P. Vaisakh, A. Mascarenhas, and R N Kini*, "THz generation mechanisms in the semiconductor alloy, GaAs1-xBix", J. Appl. Phys 118, 165702 (2015)
R S Joshya, A. J Ptak, R France, A Mascarenhas and R N Kini*, "Resonant state due to Bi in the dilute bismide alloy GaAs1−xBix" Phys Rev B. 90, 165203 (2014)
R S Joshya, A. J Ptak, R France, A Mascarenhas and R N Kini*, "Coherent acoustic phonon generation in GaAs1-xBix" Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091903 (2014)
B Fluegel*, R N Kini, A. J Ptak, D. Beaton, K. Alberi and A Mascarenhas, “Shubnikov-de Haas Measurement of Electron Effective Mass in GaAs1-xBix”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 162108 (2011)
R N Kini*, A. J Ptak, B Fluegel, R France, R C Reedy and A Mascarenhas, “Effect of Bi alloying on the hole transport in the dilute bismide alloy GaAs1-xBix”, Phys. Rev. B. 83, 075307 (2011)
R N Kini*, A J Kent, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Phonon-assisted tunneling in a superlattice in an applied magnetic field” Phys. Rev. B 80, 035335 (2009) (EDITORS’ SUGGESTION)
R N Kini*, A Mascarenhas, R France and A J Ptak, “Low temperature photoluminescence from dilute Bismides”, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113534 (2008)
A Mascarenhas*, R N Kini, Y Zhang, R France and A J Ptak, “Comparison of the dilute Bismide and Nitride alloys GaAsBi and GaAsN”, (INVITED) Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 246, 504 (2008)
R N Kini*, K Nontapot, G A Khodaparast, R E Welser, and L J Guido, “Time resolved measurements of spin and carrier dynamics in InAs films”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 064318 (2008)
M Frazier, R N Kini, K Nontapot, G A Khodaparast*, T Wojtowicz, X Liu, and J K Furdyna, “Time resolved magneto-optical studies of ferromagnetic InMnSb films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 061911 (2008)
K Nontapot, R N Kini, A Gifford, T R Merritt, G A Khodaparast*, T Wojtowicz, X Liu and J K Furdyna, “Relaxation of Photoinduced Spins and Carriers in Ferromagnetic InMnSb Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 143109 (2007)
A J Ken*t, R N Kini, N M Stanton, M Henini, B A Glavin, V A Kochelap and T L Linnik, ”Acoustic phonon emission from a weakly-coupled superlattice under vertical electron transport: observation of phonon resonance”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 215504 (2006) This work was reported in The Economist, Physics News Update and Laser Focus World
R N Kini, A J Kent*, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Generation and detection of THz coherent transverse-polarized acoustic phonons by ultrafast optical excitation of GaAs/AlAs superlattices”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 134112 (2006)
R N Kini, A J Kent*, N M Stanton and M Henini, “Angle dependence of the phonon assisted tunnelling in a weakly coupled superlattice – evidence for terahertz phonon amplification”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 033514 (2005)
N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, and M Henini, “Monochromatic transverse-polarized phonons from femtosecond pulsed optical excitation of a GaAs/AlAs superlattice”, Phys. Rev. B 69, 125341 (2004)
R N Kini*, N M Stanton, A J Kent and M Henini, “Electrically pumped terahertz SASER device using a weakly coupled AlAs/GaAs superlattice as the gain medium”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (C) 1, 2682 (2004)
R N Kini, N M Stanton*, A J Kent and M Henini, “Measurements of phonons generated by optical excitation of GaAs, using a superlattice phonon spectrometer", Phys. Stat. Sol. (C) 1, 2783 (2004)
N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, and M Henini, “Generation of transverse acoustic phonons in a GaAs/AlAs superlattice by ultrafast optical excitation”, Semicond. Sci. Tech. 19, S270 (2004)
N M Stanton, R N Kini, A J Kent*, M Henini and D Lehmann, “Terahertz phonon optics in GaAs/AlAs superlattice structures” Phys. Rev. B 68, 113302 (2003)
S Angappane, R N Kini, T S Natarajan, G Rangarajan* and B Wessling, “PAni-PMMA blend/metal Schottky barriers”, Thin Solid Films 417, 202 (2002)