Prof Vinesh Vijayan
Professor (Chemistry)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778083
  1. Arshad Abdul Vahid, Muhammed Shafeek Oliyantakath Hassan, Allwin Ebenezer Sahayaraj, Ann Teres Babu, Safwa T Kizhakkeduth, Vinesh Vijayan, ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2024 

  2. Remya Satheesan, Devika Vikraman, Parvathy Jayan, Vinesh Vijayan, Catalin Chimerel, Kozhinjampara R Mahendran. Nano Lett. 2024

  3. Oliyantakath Hassan, M. S.; Abdul Vahid, A.; Sahayaraj, A. E.; Viswanathan, R.; Vijayan, V., NMR Relaxation Experiments Probe Monomer–Fibril Interaction and Identify Critical Interacting Residues Responsible for Distinct Tau Fibril Morphologies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 14, 6583-659, 2023

  4. Somasundaran, S. M.; Kompella, S. V. K.; Mohan T. M, N.; Das, S.; Abdul Vahid, A.; Vijayan, V.; Balasubramanian, S.; Thomas, K. G., Structurally Induced Chirality of an Achiral Chromophore on Self-Assembled Nanofibers: A Twist Makes It Chiral. ACS nano 2023

  5. Sahayaraj, A. E.; Viswanathan, R.; Pinhero, F.; Abdul Vahid, A.; Vijayan, V., Sequence-Dependent Conformational Properties of PGGG Motif in Tau Repeats: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Narrow Pick Filament. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2022.

  6. Sujith, M.; Vishnu, E. K.; Sappati, S.; Oliyantakath Hassan, M. S.; Vijayan, V.; Thomas, K. G., Ligand-Induced Ground-and Excited-State Chirality in Silicon Nanoparticles: Surface Interactions Matter. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144 (11), 5074-5086.

  7. Radhakrishnan, R. M.; Kizhakkeduth, S. T.; Nair, V. M.; Ayyappan, S.; Lakshmi, R. B.; Babu, N.; Prasannajith, A.; Umeda, K.; Vijayan, V.; Kodera, N., Manna, T., Kinetochore-microtubule attachment in human cells is regulated by the interaction of a conserved motif of Ska1 with EB1. J. Biol. Chem. 2023, 299 (2)

  8. Babu, A.; Tirumalarao, D.; Das, S.; Dixit, V.; Sruthy, S.; Vijayan, V.; Jaiswal-Nagar, D., Effect of pH variation on citrate nitrate sol-gels obtained from auto-combustion method: Synthesis, calculations and characterisations of extremely dense BaZrO3 ceramic. Open Ceramics 2022, 12, 100303.

  9. Aswathy, P.; Suriyakumar, S.; Kumar, S. A.; Oliyantakath Hassan, M. S.; Vijayan, V.; Shaijumon, M. M., Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Sulfide Solid Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Sodium Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5 (10), 12592-12601.

  10. Reselammal, D. S.; Pinhero, F.; Sharma, R.; Hassan, M. S. O.; Srinivasula, S. M.; Vijayan, V., Mapping the Fibril Core of the Prion Subdomain of the Mammalian CPEB3 that is Involved in Long Term Memory Retention. J. Mol. Biol. 2021, 433 (15), 167084.

  11. Oliyantakath Hassan, M. S.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Abdul Shukkoor, M. B.; Ayyappan, S.; Abdul Vahid, A.; Vijayan, V., Examining the Transient Dark State in Protein-Quantum Dot Interaction by Relaxation-Based Solution NMR. J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125 (36), 10119-10125.

  12. Jayan, P.; Vahid, A. A.; Kizhakkeduth, S. T.; Muhammed, S. O.; Shibina, A. B.; Vijayan, V., Direct observation of the self‐aggregation of R3R4 bi‐repeat of Tau protein. ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 2093-2097.

  13. Ayyappan, S.; Dharan, P. S.; Krishnan, A.; Marira, R. R.; Lambert, M.; Manna, T. K.; Vijayan, V., SxIP binding disrupts the constitutive homodimer interface of EB1 and stabilizes EB1 monomer. Biophys. J. 2021.

  14. A Shine, J Shenoy, P Jayan, AC Jiji, V Vijayan, Residual Dipolar‐Coupling‐Based Conformational Comparison of Noncovalent Ubiquitin Homodimer with Covalently Linked Diubiquitin,ChemPhysChem 21 (9), 888-894, 2020
  15. A.Shine, M.S. Sanoop, K.R. Sooraj Ben and V. Vijayan, Surface Association of Ubiquitin with CdTe and InP/ZnS Quantum Dots in Aqueous Buffer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,122 (39), 22512-22518, 2018
  16. K. K. Gireesh, A. Shine, R. B. Lakshmi, V. Vijayan and T. K. Manna, GTP-binding facilitates EB1 recruitment onto microtubules by relieving its auto-inhibition, Scientific reports, 8, 2018
  17. S. Thirunavukkuarasu, A. George, A. Thomas, A. Thomas, V. Vijayan and K. G. Thomas, InP Quantum Dots: Probing the Active Domain of Tau Peptide Using Energy Transfer,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 14168-14176, 2018
  18. A. C. Jiji, A. Arshad, S. R. Dhanya, P. S. Shabana, C. K. Mehjubin and V. Vijayan, Zn2+ Interrupts R4?R3 Association Leading to Accelerated Aggregation of Tau Protein, Chem. Eur. J, 23, 16976-16979,  2017
  19. A. C. Jiji, A. Shine, V. Vijayan, Direct Observation of Aggregation-Induced Backbone Conformational Changes in Tau Peptides, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 55, 11562–6, 2016
  20. J.P. Demers, V. Vijayan, A. Lange, Recovery of Bulk Proton Magnetization and Sensitivity Enhancement in Ultra-Fast Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B, 119, 2908-2920, 2015.
  21. G. Lv, H.K. Faßhuber, A. Loquet, J.P. Demers, V. Vijayan, K. Giller, S. Becker, A. Lange, A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the [2-13C]Glucose labeling scheme, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 228, 45-49, 2013.
  22. V. Daebel, S. Chinnathambi, J. Biernat, M. Schwalbe, B. Habenstein, A. Loquet, E. Akoury, K. Tepper, H. Müller, M. Baldus, C. Griesinger, M. Zweckstetter, E. Mandelkow, A. Lange, V. Vijayan, β-Sheet core of tau paired helical filaments revealed by solid-state NMR, The Journal of American Chemical Society, 134(34), 13982-13989, 2012
  23. J-P. Demers, V. Vijayan, S. Becker, & A. Lange, Tailored low-power cross-polarization under fast magic-angle spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 205(2), 216-223, 2010.
  24. V. Vijayan, J.-P. Demers, J. Biernat, E. Mandelkow, S. Becker, A. Lange, Low-power solid-state NMR experiments for resonance assignment under fast magic-angle spinning, ChemPhysChem , 10(13), 2205-2208, 2009.
  25. M. Etzkorn, H. Kneuper, P. Dunnwald, V. Vijayan, J. Kramer, C. Griesinger, S. Becker, G. Unden, M. Baldus, Plasticity of the PAS domain and a potential role for signal transduction in the histidine kinase DcuS, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 15, 1031-1039, 2008.
  26. M. Sevvana, V.Vijayan, M. Zweckstetter, S. Reinelt, D.R. Madden, R. Herbst-Irmer, G.M. Sheldrick, M. Bott, C. Griesinger and S. Becker, A Ligand-Induced Switch in the Periplasmic Domain of Sensor Histidine Kinase CitA , Journal of Molecular Biology, 377(2), 512-523, 2008.
  27. J. Korukottu, R. Schneider, V. Vijayan, A. Lange, O. Pongs, S. Becker, M. Baldus, M. Zweckstetter, High resolution 3D structure determination of kaliotoxin by solid-state NMR spectroscopy, PLoS One, 3(6), 2008.
  28. J. Korukottu, M. Bayrhuber, P. Montaville, V. Vijayan, Y.S. Jung, S. Becker, M. Zweckstetter, Fast high-resolution protein structure determination by using unassigned NMR data, Angewandte Chemie International Edition English, 46(7), 1176–1179, 2007.
  29. P. Montaville, H.Y. Kim, V. Vijayan, S. Becker, and M. Zweckstetter, 1HN, 15N, and 13C Resonance assignment of the C2a Domain of Rabphilin3a, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 36(5), 20, 2006.
  30. S. Rumpel, H.Y. Kim, V.Vijayan, S. Becker, and M. Zweckstetter, Backbone resonance assignment of the homodimeric, 35 Kda chaperone Cest from enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 31(4), 377–378, 2005.
  31. M. Bayrhuber, V. Vijayan, M. Ferber, R. Graf, J. Korukottu, J. Imperial, J.E. Garrett, B.M. Olivera, H. Terlau, M. Zweckstetter, and S. Becker, Conkunitzin-S1 ss the first member of a new Kunitz-type neurotoxin family. Structural and functional characterization, Journal of biological chemistry, 280(25), 23766–23770, 2005.
  32. V. Vijayan and M. Zweckstetter, Simultaneous measurement of protein one-bond residual dipolar couplings without increased resonance overlap, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 174(2), 245–253, 2005.
  33. H. Kneuper, I.J. Janausch, V. Vijayan, M. Zweckstetter, V. Bock, C. Griesinger, and G. Unden, The nature of the stimulus and of the fumarate binding site of the fumarate sensor Dcus of Escherichia Coli, Journal of biological chemistry, 280(21), 20596–20603, 2005.
  34. S. Rumpel, A. Razeto, C. M. Pillar, V. Vijayan, A. Taylor, K. Giller, M.S. Gilmore, S. Becker, and M. Zweckstetter, Structure and DNA-binding properties of the cytolysin regulator Cylr2 from Enterococcus Faecalis, EMBO journal, 23(18), 3632–3642, 2004.
  35. L. Pappalardo, and I.G. Janausch, V. Vijayan, E. Zientz, J. Junker, W. Peti, M. Zweckstetter,G. Unden, and C. Griesinger, The NMR structure of the sensory domain of the membranous Two-Component fumarate sensor (histidine protein kinase) Dcus of Escherichia Coli, Journal of biological chemistry, 278(40), 39185–38188, 2003.