Prof K. George Thomas
Professor (Chemistry)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778040
  1. CsPbBr3 Perovskite Crack Platelet Nanocrystals and Their Biexciton Generation

           Bera, S.; Tripathi, A.; Titus, T.; Sethi, N. M.; Das, R.; Afreen, Adarsh, K. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Pradhan, N,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 20300–20311

  1. Optimizing Electron Delocalization in CdSe-CdS Heteronanostructures: Insights from Single-Particle Photoluminescence Studies

           Varghese P, M.; Rajan, A.; Vishnu, E. K.; Titus, T.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 10945–10954.

  1. Trap States in Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Friends or Foes

           Vishnu, E. K.; Thomas, E. M.; Prasad, L.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 4373–4382.

  1. Single-and two-photon-induced Förster resonance energy transfer in InP-mCherry bioconjugates

           Rajan, D.; Muraleedharan, A.; Variyar, A.; Verma, P.; Pinhero, F.; Lakshmanna, Y. A.; Sankar, T. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Chem. Phys. 2024, 160, 044712.

  1. Red Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Dimeric H-Aggregates of Acridine Orange by Chiral Induction

           Somasundaran, S. M.; Kompella, S. V. K.; Madapally, H. V.; Vishnu, E. K.; Balasubramanian, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, 507-513.

  1. Single-Particle investigation of plexcitons in bimetallic nanorods

           Ajaykumar, M. P.; Rajendra, R.; Thomas, R.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127, 14326–14335.

  1. Vertex-Oriented Cube-Connected Pattern in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanorods and Their Optical Properties: An Ensemble to Single-Particle Study

           Garai, A.; Vishnu, E. K.; Banerjee, S.; Kumar Nair, A. A.; Bera, S.; Pradhan, N.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 13989−13999.

  1. Structurally Induced Chirality of an Achiral Chromophore on Self-Assembled Nanofibers: A Twist Makes It Chiral

           Somasundaran, S. M.; Kompella, S. V. K.; Mecheri, N. M. T.; Das, S.; Vahid, A. A.; Vijayan, V.; Balasubramanian, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Nano 2023, 17, 11054-11069.

  1. InP quantum dots: Stoichiometry regulates carrier dynamics

           Manoj, B.; Rajan, D.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158, 174706.

  1. From symmetry breaking to symmetry swapping: is Kasha's rule violated in multibranched phenyleneethynylenes?

           Swathi, K.; Sujith, M.; Divya, P. S.; Delledonne, D. A.; Huu, D. K. A. P.; Maiolo, F. D.; Terenziani, F.; Lapini, A.; Painelli, A.; Sissa, C.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 1986-1996.

  1. InP-Bovine Serum Albumin Conjugates as Energy Transfer Probes

           Manoj, B.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Rajan, D.; Thirunavukkuarasu, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. B 2022, 126, 2635–2646.

  1. Reasoning the Photoluminescence Blinking in CdSe–CdS Heteronanostructures as Stacking Fault-Based Trap States

           Thomas, E. M.; Pradhan, N.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Energy Lett. 2022, 7, 2856-2863.

  1. Combined effects of emitter–emitter and emitter–plasmonic surface separations dictate photoluminescence enhancement in a plasmonic field

           Thomas, E. M.; Cortes, C. L.; Paul, L.; Gray, S. K.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022, 24, 17250-17262.

  1. Ligand-Induced Ground- and Excited-State Chirality in SiliconNanoparticles: Surface Interactions Matter

           Sujith, M.; Vishnu, E. K.; Sappati, S.; Hassan, M. S. O.; Vijayan, V.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 5074−5086.

  1. Manipulating the Self-Assembly of Phenyleneethynylenes under Vibrational Strong Coupling

           Sandeep, K.; Joseph, K.; Gautier, J.; Nagarajan, K.; Sujith, M.; Thomas, K. G., Ebbesen, T. W.,

           J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 1209−1214.

  1. Core–Shell Plasmonic Nanostructures on Au Films as SERS Substrates: Thickness of Film and Quality Factor of Nanoparticle Matter

           Fathima, H.; Mohands, N.; Varghese, B. S.; Anupkumar, P.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 16024-16032.

  1. Emergent chiroptical properties in supramolecular and plasmonic assemblies

           Nizar, N.S.S.; Sujith, M.; Swathi, K.; Sissa, C.; Painelli, A.; Thomas, K. G.,

          Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 11208-11226.

  1. Core-Size-Dependent Trapping and Detrapping Dynamics in CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots

           Vishnu, E. K.; Kumar Nair, A. A.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 25706–25716.

  1. Energy Spotlight: Advances in Metal Halide Perovskites, Photoactivated Catalysis, and Organic Photovoltaics

           Leite, M. S.; Saliba, M.; Thomas, K. G.; Manoj, B.; Kamat, P. V.,

           ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 3876-3878.

  1. Finding the Needle in a Haystack: Capturing Veiled Plexcitonic Coupling through Differential Spectroscopy

           Mohankumar, M.; Unnikrishnan, M.; Naidu, G. N.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Ajaykumar, M. P.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 26387–26395.

  1. Supramolecular Chirality: A Caveat in Assigning the Handedness of Chiral Aggregates.

           Swathi, K.; Sissa, C.; Painelli, A.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 8281-8284.

  1. Mesoporous Silica Capped Silver Nanoparticles for Sieving and SERS Sensing.

           Fathima, H.; Paul, L.; Thirunavukkuarasu, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 6376–6384.

  1. Gold Nanoparticle on Semiconductor Quantum Dot: Do Surface Ligands Influence Fermi Level Equilibration.

           Sandeep, K.; Manoj, B.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 044710.

  1. Present and Future of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering.

           Langer, J.; Thomas. K. G. et al.

           ACS Nano 2020, 14, 28-117.

  1. Chiral Plasmons: Au Nanoparticle Assemblies on Thermoresponsive Organic Templates.

           George, J.; Kar, S.; Anupriya, E. S.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Das, A. D.; Sissa, C.; Painelli, A.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Nano 2019, 13, 4392−4401.

  1. Blinking Suppression in Highly Excited CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots by Electron Transfer under Large Positive Gibbs (Free) Energy Change.

           Thomas, E. M.; Ghimire, S.; Kohara, R.; Anil, A. N.; Yuyama, K.-i.; Takano, Y.; Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.,

           ACS Nano 2018, 12, 9060-9069.

  1. Plexcitons: The Role of Oscillator Strengths and Spectral Widths in Determining Strong Coupling.

           Thomas, R.; Thomas, A.; Pullanchery, S.; Joseph, L.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Swathi, R. S.; Gray, S. K.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Nano 2018, 12, 402-415.

  1. Probing the Bilayer-monolayer Switching of Capping Agents on Au Nanorods and its Interaction with Guest Molecules.

           Kumar, J.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Chem. Sci. 2018, 130, 138.

  1. How Trap States Affect Charge Carrier Dynamics of CdSe and InP Quantum Dots: Visualization through Complexation with Viologen.

           Thomas, A.; Sandeep, K.; Somasundaran, S. M.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Energy Lett. 2018, 3, 2368-2375.

  1. Coupled Plasmon Resonances and Gap Modes in Laterally Assembled Gold Nanorod Arrays.

            Kumar, J.; Wei, X.; Barrow, S. J.; Funston, A. M.; Thomas, K. G.; Mulvaney, P.,

           Z. Phys. Chem. 2018, 232, 1607-1617.

  1. Emergence of Chiroptical Properties in Molecular Assemblies of Phenyleneethynylenes: The Role of Quasi-degenerate Excitations.

           Kar, S.; Swathi, K.; Sissa, C.; Painelli, A.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 4584-4590.

  1. InP Quantum Dots: Probing the Active Domain of Tau Peptide Using Energy Transfer.

           Thirunavukkuarasu, S.; George, A.; Thomas, A.; Thomas, A.; Vijayan, V.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 14168-14176.

  1. Coupling of Elementary Electronic Excitations: Drawing Parallels Between Excitons and Plasmons.

           Thomas, R.; Kumar, J.; George, J.; Shanthil, M.; Naidu, G. N.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 919-932.

  1. Enantioselective Light Harvesting with Perylenediimide Guests on Self-assembled Chiral Naphthalenediimide Nanofibers.

           Sethy, R.; Kumar, J.; Métivier, R.; Louis, M.; Nakatani, K.; Mecheri, N. M. T.; Subhakumari, A.; Thomas, K. G.; Kawai, T.; Nakashima, T.,

           Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15053-15057.

  1. Descriptor-based Rational Design of Two-dimensional Self-assembled Nanoarchitectures Stabilized by Hydrogen Bonds.

           Zalake, P.; Ghosh, S.; Narasimhan, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 7170-7182.

  1. CdSe–CdTe Heterojunction Nanorods: Role of CdTe Segment in Modulating the Charge Transfer Processes.

           Subila, K. B.; Sandeep, K.; Thomas, E. M.; Ghatak, J.; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Omega 2017, 2, 5150-5158.

  1. Cost-effective Plasmonic Platforms: Glass Capillaries Decorated with Ag@SiO2 Nanoparticles on Inner Walls as SERS Substrates.

           Shanthil, M.; Fathima, H.; Thomas, K. G.,

           ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 19470-19477.

  1. Two-dimensional Growth Rate Control of l-phenylalanine Crystal by Laser Trapping in Unsaturated Aqueous Solution.

           Yuyama, K.; George, J.; Thomas, K. G.; Sugiyama, T.; Masuhara, H.,

           Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16, 953-960.

  1. Nanoscale Chirality in Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles.

            Kumar, J.; Thomas, K. G.; Liz-Marzán, L. M.,

           Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 12555-12569.

  1. InP Quantum Dots: An Environmentally Friendly Material with Resonance Energy Transfer Requisites.

           Thomas, A.; Nair, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 3838-3845.

  1. Au Nanorod Quartets and Raman Signal Enhancement: Towards the Design of Plasmonic Platforms.

           Kumar, J.; Thomas, R.; Swathi, R.; Thomas, K. G.,

          Nanoscale 2014, 6, 10454-10459.

  1. Luminescence Properties of CdSe Quantum Dots: Role of Crystal Structure and Surface Composition.

           Subila, K. B.; Kishore Kumar, G.; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2774-2779.

  1. CuInS2-sensitized Quantum Dot Solar Cell. Electrophoretic Deposition, Excited-state Dynamics, and Photovoltaic Performance.

           Santra, P. K.; Nair, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 722-729.

  1. Role of Hydrogen Bonding on the Self-organization of Phenyleneethynylenes on Surfaces.

            Zalake, P.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Langmuir 2013, 29, 2242-2249.

    45.  Surface Plasmon Coupling in End-to-End Linked Gold Nanorod Dimers and Trimers.

           Kumar, J.; Wei, X.; Barrow, S.; Funston, A. M.; Thomas, K. G.; Mulvaney, P.,

           Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 4258-4264.

  1. Ag@SiO2 Core–shell Nanostructures: Distance-dependent Plasmon Coupling and SERS Investigation.

           Shanthil, M.; Thomas, R.; Swathi, R. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 1459-1464.

  1. Optical Effects Near Metal Nanostructures: Towards Surface-enhanced Spectroscopy.

           Thomas, R.; Kumar, J.; Swathi, R.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Curr. Sci. 2012, 102, 85-96.

  1. Gold Nanoparticle-functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Light-induced Electron Transfer Process.

           Pramod, P.; Soumya, C. C.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2011, 2, 775-781.

  1. Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Investigations at the Nanorod Edges and Dimer Junctions.

            Kumar, J.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2011, 2, 610-615.

  1. Synthesis of CdS Nanorods and Nanospheres: Shape Tuning by the Controlled Addition of a Sulfide Precursor at Room Temperature.

           Shanmugapriya, T.; Vinayakan, R.; Thomas, K. G.; Ramamurthy, P.,

           CrystEngComm 2011, 13, 2340-2345.

  1. Hydrazine-induced Room-temperature Transformation of CdTe Nanoparticles to Nanowires.

           Nair, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  2010, 1, 2094-2098.

  1. Surface Plasmon Coupled Circular Dichroism of Au Nanoparticles on Peptide Nanotubes.

           George, J.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2502-2503.

  1. Tuning Functional Properties: From Nanoscale Building Blocks to Hybrid Nanomaterials.

            Thomas, K. G.,

           Platin. Jubil. Spec. Publ. 2010, 53-66.

  1. Directional Hydrogen Bonding Controlled 2D Self-organization of Phenyleneethynylenes: from Linear Assembly to Rectangular Network.

           Ramesh, A.; Thomas, K. G.,

          Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 3457-3459.

  1. Organic Nanomaterials: Morphological Control for Charge Stabilization and Charge Transport.

           Pramod, P.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

          Chem. Asian J. 2009, 4, 806-823.

  1. Functional Control on the 2D Self-organization of Phenyleneethynylenes.

           Yoosaf, K.; Ramesh, A. R.; George, J.; Suresh, C.;  Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 11836-11843.

  1. Tunable Photophysical Properties of Phenyleneethynylene based Bipyridine Ligands.

           James, P. V.; Kumar, J.; Thomas, K. G.; Accorsi, G.; Listorti, A.; Yoosaf, K.; Armaroli, N.,

          Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2009, 8, 1432-1440.

  1. Plasmon Coupling in Dimers of Au Nanorods.

           Pramod, P.; Thomas, K. G.,

          Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 4300-4305.

  1. Excited-state and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of Pyrene-linked Phenyleneethynylene Oligomer.

           Matsunaga, Y.; Takechi, K.; Akasaka, T.; Ramesh, A. R.; James, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 14539-14547.

  1. Self-Organization of Phenyleneethynylene into Wire-like Molecular Materials on Surfaces.

           Yoosaf, K.; James, P. V.; Ramesh, A. R.; Suresh, C. H.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 14933-14936.

  1. In Situ Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles and Selective Naked-eye Detection of Lead Ions from Aqueous Media.

           Yoosaf, K.; Ipe, B. I.; Suresh, C. H.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 12839-12847.

  1. An Approach for Optimizing the Shell Thickness of Core-shell Quantum Dots Using Photoinduced Charge Transfer.

           Vinayakan, R.; Shanmugapriya, T.; Nair, P. V.; Ramamurthy, P.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 10146-10149.

  1. Ruthenium(II) Trisbipyridine Functionalized Gold Nanorods. Morphological Changes and Excited-State Interactions.

          Jebb, M.; Sudeep, P. K.; Pramod, P.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 6839-6844.

  1. Preferential End Functionalization of Au Nanorods through Electrostatic Interactions.

           Pramod, P.; Joseph, S. T. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 6712-6713.

  1. Surface Plasmon Resonance in Nanostructured Materials

           Thomas, K. G.

           Chapter in Nanomaterials Chemistry, Eds. C.N.R. Rao, A. Muller, A. K. Cheetham 2007; pp. 185-216, Wiley-VCH.

  1. Design and Synthesis of Squaraine Based Near Infrared Fluorescent Probes.

           Basheer, M. C.; Santhosh, U.; Alex, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Suresh, C. H.; Das, S.,

           Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 1617-1623.

  1. Photochemistry of Ruthenium Trisbipyridine Functionalized on Gold Nanoparticles.

           Pramod, P.; Sudeep, P. K.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 20737-20741.

  1. Singlet and Triplet Excited-state Interactions and Photochemical Reactivity of Phenyleneethynylene Oligomers.

           Sudeep, P. K.; James, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 5642-5649.

  1. Photophysical and Theoretical Investigations of Oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene)s:  Effect of Alkoxy Substitution and Alkyne-aryl Bond Rotations.

           James, P. V.; Sudeep, P. K.; Suresh, C. H.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 4329-4337.

    70.  Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles as Phosphorescent Nanomaterials and Sensors.

           Ipe, B. I.; Yoosaf, K.; Thomas, K. G.;

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1907-1913.

  1. A Squaraine-based Chemosensor for Hg2+ and Pb2+.

           Basheer, M.; Alex, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Suresh, C. H.; Das, S.,

           Tetrahedron 2006, 6 2, 605-610.

  1. Gold Nanorods to Nanochains:  Mechanistic Investigations on Their Longitudinal Assembly Using α,ω-Alkanedithiols and Interplasmon Coupling.

           Shibu Joseph, S. T.; Ipe, B. I.; Pramod, P.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 150-157.

  1. Interfacial Properties of Hybrid Nanomaterials.

           Ipe, B. I.; Yoosaf, K.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Pramana 2005, 65, 909-915.

  1. Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes in Fullerene-based Donor–acceptor Systems. Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Helv. Chim. Acta 2005, 88, 1291-1308.

  1. Selective Detection of Cysteine and Glutathione Using Gold Nanorods.

           Sudeep, P. K.; Joseph, S. T. S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 6516-6517.

  1. Investigations on Nanoparticle−chromophore and Interchromophore Interactions in Pyrene-Capped Gold Nanoparticles.

          Ipe, B. I.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 13265-13272.

  1. Uniaxial Plasmon Coupling through Longitudinal Self-assembly of Gold Nanorods.

           Thomas, K. G.; Barazzouk, S.; Ipe, B. I.; Joseph, S. T. S.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 13066-13068.

  1. Self-assembled Linear Bundles of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes and their Alignment and Deposition as a Film in a dc Field.

           Kamat, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Barazzouk, S.; Girishkumar, G.; Vinodgopal, K.; Meisel, D.,

          J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 10757-10762.

  1. Molecular Assembly of Fullerenes as Nanoclusters and Nanostructured Films.

           Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Chapter in Nanoscale Materials, Eds. L. M. Liz-Marzan and P. V. Kamat 2004; pp. 475-494, Springer.

  1. Chromophore Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles.

           Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Acc. Chem. Res. 2003, 36, 888-898.

  1. Dynamics of Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes in Fullerene-based Dyads: Effects of Varying the Donor Strength.

           Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.; Guldi, D. M.,

           ChemPhysChem 2003, 4, 1299-1307.

  1. Rigid Rod Spaced Fullerene as Building Block for Nanoclusters.

           Sudeep, P. K.; Varkey, J. P.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.,

          J. Chem. Sci. 2003, 115, 321-332.

  1. Light-induced Modulation of Self-assembly on Spiropyran-capped Gold Nanoparticles:  A Potential System for the Controlled Release of Amino Acid Derivatives.

           Ipe, B. I.; Mahima, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 7174-7175.

  1. Effect of Viscosity on the Singlet-excited State Dynamics of some Hemicyanine Dyes.

           Pillai, Z. S.; Sudeep, P.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Res. Chem. Intermed. 2003, 29, 293-305.

  1. Surface Binding Properties of Tetraoctylammonium Bromide-capped Gold Nanoparticles.

           Thomas, K. G.; Zajicek, J.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Langmuir 2002, 18, 3722-3727.

  1. Clusters of Bis- and Tris-fullerenes.

           Biju, V.; Sudeep, P. K.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Barazzouk, S.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Langmuir 2002, 18, 1831-1839.

  1. Photoinduced Charge Separation in a Fluorophore-gold Nanoassembly.

           Ipe, B. I.; Thomas, K. G.; Barazzouk, S.; Hotchandani, S.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 18-21.

  1. Fullerene-functionalized Gold Nanoparticles. A Self-assembled Photoactive Antenna-metal Nanocore Assembly.

            Sudeep, P. K.; Ipe, B. I.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Barazzouk, S.; Hotchandani, S.; Kamat, P. V.,

            Nano Lett. 2002, 2, 29-35.

  1. Photochemistry of Chromophore-functionalized Gold Nanoparticles.

           Thomas, K. G.; Ipe Binil, I.; Sudeep, P. K.,

           Pure Appl. Chem., 2002, 74, 1731-1738.

  1. Conformational Switching and Exciton Interactions in Hemicyanine-based Bichromophores.

           Zeena, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 7859-7865.

  1. Photoinduced Electron Transfer between 1,2,5-Triphenylpyrrolidinofullerene Cluster Aggregates and Electron Donors.

           Biju, V.; Barazzouk, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.,

           Langmuir 2001, 17, 2930-2936.

  1. Biradical Intermediates in the Photoisomerization of Dibenzodihydropentalenofurans to Dibenzosemibullvalenes

           Sajimon, M. C.; Ramaiah, D.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

           J. Org. Chem. 2001, 66, 3182-3187.

  1. Organo-based Materials for Photonic applications.

           Das, S.; Ajayaghosh, A.; Gopidas, K. R.; Ramaiah, D.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Met. Mater. Process 2001, 13, 351-360.

  1. Nanostructured Thin Films of C60–Aniline Dyad Clusters: Electrodeposition, Charge Separation, and Photoelectrochemistry.

           Kamat, P. V.; Barazzouk, S.; Hotchandani, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

           Chem. - Eur. J. 2000, 6, 3914-3921.

  1. Electrodeposition of C60 Cluster Aggregates on Nanostructured SnO2 Films for Enhanced Photocurrent Generation.

           Kamat, P. V.; Barazzouk, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Hotchandani, S.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 4014-4017.

  1. Making Gold Nanoparticles Glow:  Enhanced Emission from a Surface-bound Fluoroprobe.

           Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 2655-2656.

  1. Orientation Dependent Electron Transfer Processes in Fullerene−Aniline Dyads.

           Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.; Guldi, D. M.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103, 10755-10763.

  1. Photoinduced Charge Separation and Stabilization in Clusters of a Fullerene−Aniline Dyad.

           Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.; Guldi, D. M.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. B 1999, 103, 8864-8869.

  1. Functionalized Fullerenes as Photosynthetic Mimics.

           Thomas, K. G.,

           Interface 1999, 8, 30-33.

  1.  Excited-state Interactions in Pyrrolidinofullerenes.

            Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.; George, M. V.; Guldi, D. M.; Kamat, P. V.,

            J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 5341-5348.

  1.  Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Squaraines in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Media.

            Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

           Chapter in Molecular and supramolecular photochemistry: Vol 1 Organic Photochemistry, Ed. V. Ramamurthy and K. S. Schanze,       

           1997, 1, pp. 467-517, Taylor and Francis.

  1. Picosecond Dynamics of an IR Sensitive Squaraine Dye. Role of Singlet and Triplet Excited States in the Photosensitization of TiO2   


           Liu, D.; Kamat, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Thomas, K. J.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,

          J. Chem. Phys. 1997, 106, 6404-6411.

  1.   Excited State Behavior of Fuilero-phenylpyrrolidines.

             Kamat P. V.; Guldi, D. M.; Liu, D.; Thomas, K. G.; Biju, V.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,

            Chapter in Fullerenes Vol. 4 Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials. Eds K. M. Kadish    

            and R. S. Ruoff, 1997, pp.122-128, The Electrochemical Society.

  1.   A Squaraine-based Near-Infrared Absorbing Sensor for the Selective Detection of Transition and Other Metal Ions in Aqueous  


           Thomas, K. G.,

          Chem. Commun. 1997, 597-598.

  1. Aggregation Behavior of Water Soluble Bis(benzothiazolylidene)squaraine Derivatives in Aqueous Media.

           Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Thomas, K. J.; Madhavan, V.; Liu, D.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 17310-17315.

  1.  Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes:  Excited Triplet State and Redox Properties of Crown Ether Squaraines.

            Sauve, G.; Kamat, P. V.; Thomas, K. G.; Thomas, K. J.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 2117-2124.

  1.  Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. Part 10.-Excited-state Properties and Photosensitization Behaviour of an IR Sensitive Cationic Squaraine Dye.

            Thomas, K. G.,

            J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1996, 92, 4913-4916.

  1.  Photophysical and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of Poly [styrene-co-3-(acrylamido)-6-aminoacridine].

            Das, S.; Rajesh, C.; Suresh, C.; Thomas, K. G.; Ajayaghosh, A.; Nasr, C.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

            Macromolecules 1995, 28, 4249-4254.

  1.  Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Monoaza-15-Crown Ether Linked Cyanine Dyes: Photosensitization of   

           Nanocrystalline SnO2 Films.

           Nasr, C.; Hotchandani, S.; Kamat, P. V.; Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

          Langmuir 1995, 11, 1777-1783.

  1. Crown Ether Derivatives of Squaraine: New Near-Infrared-Absorbing, Redox-Active Fluoroionophores for Alkali Metal     


           Thomas, K. G.,

          Anal. Proc. 1995, 32, 213-215.

  1. Cation Binding and Photophysical Properties of a Monoaza-15-crown-5-ether Linked Cyanine Dye.

            Thomas, K. J.; Thomas, K. G.; Manojkumar, T. K.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,

            Proc. -Indian Acad. Sci., Chem. Sci. 1994, 106, 1375-1382.

  1.  Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 8. Photophysical Properties of Crown Ether Squaraine Fluoroionophores and Their Metal    

           Ion Complexes.

          Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Thomas, K. J.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98, 9291-9296.

  1. Photocatalyzed Multiple Additions of Amines to. Alpha.,. Beta. - Unsaturated Esters and Nitriles.

           Das, S.; Kumar, J. D.; Thomas, K. G.; Shivaramayya, K.; George, M.,

           J. Org. Chem. 1994, 59, 628-634.

  1. Interaction of Semiconductor Colloids with J-aggregates of a Squaraine Dye and its Role in Sensitizing Nanocrystalline   Semiconductor Films.

           Hotchandani, S.; Suresh, D.; Thomas. K. G.; George, M. V.,

          Res. Chem. Intermed. 1994, 20, 927-938.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 4. Excited-state Properties and Photosensitization

           Behavior of Bis(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)squaraine.

           Kamat, P. V.; Hotchandani, S.; Lind, M.; Thomas, K. G.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,  

          J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1993, 89, 2397-2402.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 6. Solvent Hydrogen Bonding Effects on the Photophysical Properties of Bis (benzothiazolylidene) squaraines.

           Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Ramanathan, R.; George, M.; Kamat, P. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 13625-13628.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 5. Aggregation of Bis (2, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) squaraine and Bis (2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl) squaraine and their Photodissociation in Acetonitrile Solutions.

           Das, S.; Thanulingam, T. L.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M.,

           J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 13620-13624.

  1. Photosensitizing Properties of Squaraine Dyes.

           Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; Kamat, P. V.; George, M. V.,

           J. Chem. Sci. 1993, 105, 513-525.

  1. Excited-state Properties and Photosensitization Behaviour of Bis(2,4- 


           Kamat, P. V.; Hotchandani, S.; de Lind, M.; Thomas, K. G.; Das, S.; George, M. V.,

           J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1993, 89, 2397-2402.

  1. Photophysics and Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 3. Excited-State Properties and Poly

           (4-vinylpyridine)-Induced Fluorescence Enhancement of Bis (2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl) squaraine.

           Das, S.; Kamat, P. V.; De la Barre, B.; Thomas, K. G.; Ajayaghosh, A.; George, M. V.,

           J. Phys. Chem 1992, 96, 10327-10330.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes: Excited States and Reduced and Oxidized Forms of 4-(4-acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrrolium-2-ylidene)-2-(4-acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrrol-2-yl)-3-oxocyclobut-1-en-1-olate.

           Patrick, B.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.; Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1992, 88, 671-676.

  1. Fluorescence Enhancement of Bis (2, 4, 6-trihydroxyphenyl) squaraine Anion by 2: 1 Host–guest Complexation with β-Cyclodextrin.

           Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.,

           J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1992, 88, 3419-3422.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. Excited Singlet, Triplet, and Redox States of Bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]squaraine and Bis[4-(dimethylamino)-2-hydroxyphenyl]squaraine.

           Kamat, P. V.; Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

          J. Phys. Chem. 1992, 96, 195-199.

  1. Photochemistry of Squaraine Dyes. 2. Excited States and Reduced and Oxidized Forms of 4- (4-acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrrolium-2-ylidene)-2-(4-acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrrol-2-yl)-3- oxocyclobut-1-en-1-olate.

           Patrick, B.; George, M. V.; Kamat, P. V.; Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.,

          J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1992, 88, 671-676.

  1. Ultrafast Photochemical Events Associated with the Photosensitization Properties of a Squaraine Dye.

           Kamat, P. V.; Das, S.; Thomas, K. G.; George, M. V.,

           Chem. Phys. Lett.1991, 178, 75-79.

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  1. SERS Substrate and Method thereof.

           M. Shanthil and K. George Thomas

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  1. A Method of Fabricating Gold Nanorod Plasmonic Platforms and Product thereof,

           Jatish Kumar, Reshmi ThomasR. S. Swathi and  K. George Thomas,

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  1.  Squaraine Based Dyes and Process for Preparation and thereof. 

            Suresh Das, K. George Thomas, V. Biju, U. Santhosh and V. Suresh

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