Listing News 701 - 725 of 792

title category Published on
International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing(IWMS 2012) Announcement 07-03-2012
Mathematics Symposium on 3rd March 2012 Announcement 05-03-2012
Recruitment for non-teaching positions Announcement 29-02-2012
Walk-in Interview for Library Information Assistant Trainees Announcement 29-02-2012
IISER - TVM invites applications for faculty positions Announcement 28-02-2012
Admission notice: 5 year BS-MS Programme-2012 Announcement 28-02-2012
Live Webcast of Public Lecture by Fields Medallist Terence Tao Announcement 23-02-2012
Walk-in Interview for Library Information Assistant Trainees Announcement 08-02-2012
Recruitment of Deputy Registrars and Assistant Executive Engineers Announcement 31-01-2012
DST-MPG fellowship for IISER faculty member Announcement 26-01-2012
Walk-in Interview - Junior Site Engineers Announcement 15-01-2012
Dr. S. Shankaranarayanan receives Indian Physics Association\'s Buti Foundation award Announcement 15-01-2012
List of candidates selected for admission to the Ph. D. program in Vasanth 2012 semester Announcement 08-01-2012
Four Batch 2010 BS-MS students win the YETI poster prize Announcement 31-12-2011
Biology faculty Nishant KT awarded the Wellcome Trust-DBT Intermediate Fellowship in December 2011 Announcement 31-12-2011
Inter IISER Chemistry Meet 2011 from 14-16, December 2011 at CETAA Hall Announcement 17-12-2011
Accomodation Wanted on Hire Announcement 01-11-2011
JEST-2011 Announcement 03-10-2011
Ph.D. Admissions, January 2012 Announcement 30-09-2011
The programme of Dr.A.V.Rama Rao of 19/9/2011 is postponed. Announcement 19-09-2011
NATURE Comments: IISER TVM faculty develops soft optics from organogels Announcement 15-09-2011
Academic calendar, Time-table and fee structure for Varsha 2011 semester Announcement 15-08-2011
Applications Invited for the post of JRF and RA in Chemistry Announcement 15-08-2011
Instructions to the selected 1st year BS-MS students Announcement 08-08-2011
List of selected candidates for the BS-MS program through the State and Central Board stream Announcement 04-08-2011