Listing News 676 - 700 of 792

title category Published on
Celebration of Hindi Divas Announcement 13-09-2012
Varsha 2012 : Information for current and new students Announcement 10-08-2012
Varsha 2012: Instructions for the new BS-MS students Announcement 06-08-2012
Flash News: Admission to BS-MS programme starting August 2012 Announcement 01-08-2012
International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing(IWMS 2012) Announcement 01-08-2012
International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing(IWMS 2012) Announcement 01-08-2012
List of Candidates selected for Integrated PhD Programme in Physics Announcement 31-07-2012
List of selected candidates to the Ph.D. program in Physical Sciences starting August 2012 Announcement 31-07-2012
List of Candidates selected for Ph.D. program in the School of Chemistry, starting August 2012 Announcement 31-07-2012
List of Candidates selected for Ph.D. program in the School of Biology, starting August 201 Announcement 31-07-2012
Three I-year BS-MS students to attend VI Asian Science Camp at Jerusalem, Israel Announcement 28-07-2012
Admission notice: 5 year BS-MS Programme-2012 Announcement 23-07-2012
BS-MS July-14-2012 : Counselling and aptitude test at IISER TVM Announcement 15-07-2012
Accommodation wanted on hire Announcement 20-06-2012
List of candidates selected for Ph.D. Programme in School of Mathematics starting August 2012 Announcement 31-05-2012
List of short-listed candidates for Ph.D. Programme Announcement 18-05-2012
List of Candidates selected for Integrated PhD Programme Announcement 15-05-2012
List of shortlisted candidates for Summer Visiting Programme-2012 Announcement 15-05-2012
KVPY-2012 Summer Programme Announcement 03-05-2012
DAE Young Scientist Award for IISER TVM Faculty Announcement 02-05-2012
List of shortlisted candidates for Int. Ph.D. Programme in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics Announcement 21-04-2012
Admission notice for doctoral programmes -- August 2012 Announcement 09-04-2012
Applications are invited for “Research Associate” Announcement 17-03-2012
One-day Mini-workshop on Algebraic Geometry Announcement 15-03-2012
Celebration of the Year of Mathematics at IISER TVM Announcement 15-03-2012