Candidates shortlised for the Post of Lab Assistant

Candidates shortlisted for the online interview for "Lab Assistant" on the externaly funded project "Defining lysosomal mechanisms of defense against intracellular pathogens". The online interview is tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9.30am onwards. The details will be sent to their respective email ids.

  1. Avaneesh Hariharan
  2. Disha Jain
  3. Sreelakshmi V S
  4. Vanshika Kapoor
  5. Niyati Sarpole
  6. Goutham Nidhi
  7. Ankita Singh
  8. Reshma Anns Raju
  9. Akshaya R
  10. Finas Anzar
  11. Keerthana B
  12. Mangalath Athira
  13. Sameera Puranapanda
  14. Riswan N
  15. Sijo A
  16. Thrishna K
  17. Gayathri S P
