Dr Vennapusa Sivaranjana Reddy
Associate Professor (Chemistry)
  +91 (0)471 - 2778057


Research Project: "Theoretical Investigation on the Triplet Formation Pathways in Natural Photosensitizers”      

Funding Agency: CSIR-HRDG (EMR Scheme)                                                   

Total Budget: INR. 8,25,000 (Eight lakhs and twentyfive thousands only)

File Number: 01/3109/23/EMR-II



Research Project: "Theoretical Investigation on Relaxation Dynamics of Ultrafast Generated  Molecular Triplet States"      

Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)                                                   

Total Budget: INR. 23,26,000 (Twenty three lakh twenty six thousand only)

SERB File Number: ECR/2016/000226