Molecular basis of behaviour, Stress and social behaviour, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Epilepsy, Molecular mechanisms, Zebrafish
Theoretical Biology, Computational Biology, Biophysics, Regeneration, Signal processing, Cytoskeleton Dynamics, Machine Learning, MD Simulation
Host-Parasite interactions, Nutrient trafficking by intracellular parasites, Innate sensing, Immune evasion by parasites, Host-targeted interventions.
Application and understanding of CRISPR-Cas systems, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics
Circadian clock, neuropeptides and sleep, post-transcriptional regulation of circadian rhythm etc.
Nuclear organization, Chromatin architecture, Genomic instability, Cancer Biology
Parkinson's disease, Neurodegeneration mechanisms, Protein aggregation, Electrophysiology
Molecular Biology and Genetics: Replication-Transcription Conflicts, Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Gene Expression, Evolution, Antibiotic Resistance
Infection and immunity, Host-pathogen interaction, Biology of infectious diseases
Computational Biology, Mathematical modelling, Plant metabolism, Parasite metabolism
Evolutionary and Systems Biochemistry
Evolutionary Biology (multicellularity; phenotypic plasticity; cell differentiation origins; fitness trade-offs | experimental evolution)
Nutrient and energy homeostasis, Gene regulation in neuroendocrine centers, Neural circuitry of feeding
Structural Molecular Biology - Protein Crystallography, Single Particle CryoEM
Plant Centromere biology, Uniparental genome elimination, Genome stability, Aneuploidy,Haploid genetics ,Minichromosome biology
Hematopoietic stem cells, bone marrow niche, developmental hematopoiesis
Prey-predator interactions, Insect-plant interactions, Wolbachia in insects, Secondary sexual characters, Phylogenetic patterns, Diversity of Indian butterflies
Molecular Virology- Zoonotic Viruses, Virus discovery, Virus host Interactions, Development of Vaccine and Monoclonal antibodies
Sensory ecology of pollinators, plant-animal interactions, Behavioural ecology of bees and social spiders
Meiotic recombination, Genome stability, Mutation rates
Immunology, Imaging, Mammalian Cell Biology and Biochemistry. Host-microbial interactions, Cell Signaling Mechanisms, Apoptosis, Autophagy and NF-kappaB Signaling.
Kinetochore and centrosome biology, chromosome segregation, mitotic spindle regulation and signaling in mammalian cells
Fuel cell electro-catalysis, platinum-free catalysts for the cathodic reduction of oxygen in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Materials Chemistry - Metal organic frameworks, metal oxide clusters and nano composites for molecular separation, optical and conducting properties.
Ultrafast Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy, Quantum Coherences, Molecular Structure and Dynamics
Medicinal Chemistry , Organic synthesis, Chemical biology, Computational drug discovery.
Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis: Transition Metal-Catalysis, Photocatalysis, Metal-Free Coupling Reactions
Molecular electronics, Bio-electronics, Quantum charge transport, Nano device fabrication & Low temperature experiments.
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Chemical Physics and Biological Physics: Statistical mechanics, Nonlinear dynamics
Biomaterials, Materials Chemistry, 2D Materials, Biodegradation of Nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology, Drug Delivery, Antimicrobial Coatings, Biomimetics
Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry,Bond Activation and Functionalization of Small Molecules (CO2, N2), Reversible Hydrogen Storage Using Metal Hydrides,Hydrogenation Reactions in Catalysis
Structurally Constrained Compounds, Lewis Superacids, Electromerism, Low-Valent Main Group Chemistry
Supramolecular Chemistry; Molecular Switches and Machines; Foldamer Chemistry
Metabolic chemistry, Organic synthesis, Chemical biology and Mass spectrometry
Radical Chemistry in Organic Synthesis
Main Group Chemistry
Developing new methods, Activation and functionalization of relatively unreactive C–H bonds, Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthesis of Natural Products
Macrocyclic systems, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Planar Aromatic and Antiaromatic systems, Porphyrin based Dye-Sensitized Solar cells (DSSC)
Theoretical Chemistry
Asymmetric Total Synthesis Natural Product Molecules, Asymmetric Catalysis, and Medicinal Chemistry.
Asymmetric Catalysis and Cross-Coupling Reactions
Supramolecular chemistry with DNA, and Functional DNA nanotechnology
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Catalysis, Bioinorganic Chemistry
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
NMR spectroscopy, Structure biology, Neurodegenerative Diseases
Photochemistry & photophysics, Hybrid nanomaterials, Light-matter interactions at nanoscale, Raman Spectroscopy using nanomaterials, Organized surfaces
Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Organic Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Methodology Development, Crystal Engineering, Soft Materials
Physical Organic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry
Biomass to liquid transportation fuel, Alkane metathesis, Cluster-Assembled Materials
(Physical Organic Chemistry)
Organic Photochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Materials and
Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Distributed Systems, Cloud and Serverless Computing, Fog and Edge Computing, Tiny ML, Distributed Machine Learning, Split Learning, Transfer Learning, Gossip Learning.
Statistical Inference, Cluster Randomized Trials, Longitudinal Study, Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis, Distribution Theory, Theory of Majorization and Stochastic Orderings
Deep Learning, Image Processing methods, Medical Imaging, Image reconstruction, Medical Image Analysis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Quantitative Imaging, Ultrasonography.
Dependence Modelling, Stochastic Degradation Modelling, Statistical Inference, Stochastic Ordering, Shock Model Theory, Mathematical Theory of Reliability
AI-assisted B5G/6G wireless communication and networking, Network slicing, AI/ML/Deep and Federated learning, Edge Intelligence, V2X, Drone communication system, Next-generation intelligent transportation system, and Edge/Fog/Cloud computing.
Deep Learning, Localization, Human Activity Recognition, Facial Emotion Recognition, Human Behavior Prediction, and Intelligent Systems
Theoretical Computer Science - Algorithms and Graph Theory
clinical and biomedical data science, machine learning and deep learning, synthetic data generation, data privacy, multi-modal data integration, personalized/precision medicine
Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, and Mineralogy
Application of stable isotopes in estuarine and marine systems, Ocean biogeochemistry, Estuarine pollution and ecology, Nitrogen and carbon cycle, Cell-specific analysis of metabolic rates in the phytoplankton communities.
Paleoclimatology, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Extreme weather events, Ocean, land and atmosphere interactions
Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Aquifers, Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions, Isotope Geochemistry in Tracing Contamination Sources
Atmospheric optics, Aerosols, Optical turbulence, Atmospheric boundary layer, Free-Space Optical communication
Atmospheric dynamics, Atmospheric radiative transfer, Middle atmospheric chemistry and composition
Climate Modeling, Climate Downscaling, Hydrometeorology, Climate Change, Land Surface Hydrology, Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Agriculture Water Management
Structural Geology, Rheology, High-Pressure and High-Temperature Rock Deformation, Experimental Flow Laws and Deformation Mechanisms, Material Characterization, Tectonophysics.
South Asian Monsoon, Tropical Synoptic Scale Systems, Climate Change and Future Projections, Extreme Events, Dynamical Downscaling
Health Economics, Health Policy and Innovations, and IPR
Elliptic PDE's, Nonlinear Analysis
Finite element methods for partial differential equations
Analytic aspects of algebraic numbers and Sieve methods
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory
Commutative Algebra
mathematical analysis with a functional analytic flavor and linked to classical Operator theory, Operator algebras (von Neumann algebras and C^*-algebras), Operator spaces, Geometry of Banach spaces, Ergodic theory, Harmonic analysis, Probability theory and analysis on groups. Noncommutative L_p-space is a common thread on which I often consider various problems from classical analysis. I am also interested in applications to quantum information theory and computer science.
Partial differential equations, Theory and numerics of hyperbolic conservation laws
Partial differential equations,Control theory,Game theory,Viscosity solution theory,Navier stokes equations,Image processing
I am interested in representation theory of finite dimensional algebras.
Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws,Asymptotic preserving schemes,Genuinely multidimensional numerical schemes,Nonlinear waves and shock waves.
Numerical analysis and Scientific computing, Optimal control of PDEs, Computational biology and high performance computing, Computational fluid dynamics.
Harmonic Analysis, Sampling and Reconstruction, Time-Frequency Analysis
Linear Algebra & Matrix Analysis
Differential geometry, Higher category theories, Gerbes
Interest: Algebraic Geometry
Complex Dynamics and Ergodic Theory
Number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, elliptic curves, modular forms and Galois representations.
Group theory, Commutative Algebra and Homological Algebra.
Functional Analysis/Numerical Functional Analysis, Mathematical Finance/Financial Engineering, Parameter Identification in PDEs, Mathematical Biology, Machine Learning, Data Science Research
Stochastic (Geometric) Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Analysis, Navier-Stokes Equations, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations (Ferromagnetism), Nematic Liquid Crystals
Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Networks, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Stability Analysis, Synchronization, Weather Phenomenon Predictions
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, Quantum Communication
Visualising ultrafast molecular dynamics, Generating attosecond pulse train, Interatomic Coulombic decay, and time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging.
Effective Field Theory, Low-energy physics and Flavour Physics, Extra-dimensions, Quantum fields in curved space-time
Computational Solar Physics, Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory and simulations, wave propagation, identification and mode conversion, Solar atmospheric heating, and energetic phenomena
High energy astrophysics, Gamma ray bursts, Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy
Computational Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum Materials, Quantum Magnetism and Spintronics
Non-equilibrium Physics, Statistical and Quantum Field-theories
Theoretical condensed matter physics: Topological phases, Quantum Dynamics, Mesoscopics, relations to other fields like black holes physics.
Particle physics phenomenology, Beyond the Standard Model, Collider physics, Matter under extreme conditions
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials, Spintronics, and Oxide memristors for Non-volatile memory (NVM)
Nanostructures and thin films, Surfaces and Interfaces, Defect induced properties of materials, Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Thermoelectric materials, Semiconducting Metal Oxides and graphene based Gas Sensors
Topological insulators, Fractional quantum Hall state, Strongly correlated electron systems.
Device Physics and Engineering
Black hole entropy in supergravity and string theory, Supergravity, AdS-CFT correspondence, Higher-Spin holography
Nonlinear Dynamics: Non-integrable systems, Chaotic Dynamics Bifurcation and Stability Analysis Synchronization Network Theory Complex Systems Time-delay Systems Delay-induced Phenomena Coupled Map Lattices Spatio-temporal Chaos Recurrence Analysis
Quantum Phase transitions in low dimensional and low spin organic insulators as well as Heavy Fermions , Phase diagram of weakly pinned Type-II superconductors, Multiferroics,
Low temperature electron transport on nanoscale devices: Quantum dots, Quantum point contacts, Nanowires & Superconducting tunnel junction systems and Topological insulators: Spin injection and diffusion in Topological insulator devices.
Photoacoustic imaging (microscopy and tomography), speckle contrast imaging, spectroscopy for Biomedical applications
Ultrafast and Terahertz spectroscopy
Nanophononics, Stimulated Brillouin/Raman scattering, Opto-mechanical interactions, Slow-light, Nonlinear optical phenomenon and devices, Soliton self-frequency shift
Wide bandgap materials and related devices, high-temperature electronics, Power and energy conversion devices, High-throughput techniques.
Observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, the afterglow of the Big Bang, and the analysis of cosmological and astrophysical data sets.
Quantum Information theory and open quantum systems
Light Matter Interactions, Optoelectronics of 2D systems and Inhomogeneous Media, Scanning probe microscopy
Multifunctional nanostructured materials- Graphene, 2-dimensional layered nanostructures; Energy storage - Lithium ion batteries, Supercapacitors; Gas storage
Organic and hybrid optoelectronics,Spintronics, Metamaterials, Thermoelectrics, Application of Physics to biology and device applications, Solar Cell
Magnetism and Superconductivity
Probability Theory and Analysis including , Stochastic PDE, Stochastic Differential Equations, Differential Equations and Applications
Infectious disease, Host-pathogen interaction, Immune subversion strategy, Plant-microbe interaction
Virus Crystallography
Big Data – Bioinformatics
Laboratory Animals, Experimental Pathobiology, Biomaterials
Functional Organic Materials, Supramolecular Chemistry
Photoresponsive Materials, Self-Assembly, Near Infrared Dyes
Advanced Nanomaterials
Theoretical Chemistry
Data Science
Applied Mathematics
Data Analytics
Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems Complexity and connectivity measures from data Dynamics and transitions on complex networks Modelling dynamics of biological systems.
Genetic underpinnings of macroevolutionary patterns, evolutionary history, asymmetric diversification and biogeography using chelicerates as a model system.
Environmental plant physiology, Hydraulic architecture of mangroves, Hydraulic targets for yield improvement of industrial crops
Cell biology of lysosomal storage disorders; Regulation of lysosomal transport in disease
Plant-pathogen interaction, Gene editing, Trait characterization, Molecular breeding
Immunology and Gene regulation (immune response to bacterial and viral infection, t cell differentiation, cell signaling, epigenetics and transcriptomics)
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Quantum dots, Fluorescence spectrosocpy
Organic Synthesis, Organic Mol-electronics
Colloidal synthesis (semiconductor, intermetallics), bulk single-crystal materials, Surface studies under photocatalytic and electrocatalytic conditions, Coupled/paired electrolysis
Chiral Inorganic and Bio materials, Chiral Assemblies, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, nanomaterials
Applied Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
computational chemistry of molecules, materials and aggregates
Optical spectroscopy, nanomaterials, semiconductor hetereostructures.